Day: September 28, 2020

How Video Doorbells Make Contactless Deliveries Safer

With the number of coronavirus cases continuing to rise in the UAE, we need to continue safeguarding ourselves and our families. In addition to regular disinfection, handwashing, and social distancing, minimizing close contact with others will go a long way to help reduce our risk, even at our own front doors. Over the past few

OSN Launches A Spin-Off To Hit Talkshow Aa’det Rigala

The world of Arabic entertainment is in the midst of an intense ‘battle of the sexes’ with popular talkshow Aa’detRigala’s handsome hosts drawing female guests into good-humoured debates and passionate exchanges. As if this wasn’t enough top-class entertainment for this season, the original OSN production comes this year with a Spin-off, called HarbAalmeyya, that turns

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