Month: September 2020

Middle Eastern Artists Unite To Create Harmony

DJ and producer Shaun Warner sets the moody back-drop of ‘El Wind’ which is beautifully decorated by Mais Harb’s vocals and a hip hop verse by Eslam Jawaad. The three acclaimed Middle Eastern artists satisfy their reputations in ‘El Wind’. The collaboration results in a harmonious Arabic and English track that resonates modern-orientalR&B. With the

‘Life On Mars Will Be Revolutionary, Start A Whole New Line Of Thinking,’ NASA Scientist Tells MENA Innovation Technology Transfer Summit

Why and how can we take humans to Mars? This radical question and other interplanetary space explorations were answered by some of the world’s leading scientists and engineers during the inaugural MENA Innovation Technology Transfer Summit, MITT Summit, organised by the Sharjah Research Technology and Innovation Park, SRTI Park. The inaugural MITT Summit shed light

How Video Doorbells Make Contactless Deliveries Safer

With the number of coronavirus cases continuing to rise in the UAE, we need to continue safeguarding ourselves and our families. In addition to regular disinfection, handwashing, and social distancing, minimizing close contact with others will go a long way to help reduce our risk, even at our own front doors. Over the past few

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