Microsoft Grants For AU Scholars To Combat Covid-19

While the Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) has swept the entire world, Ajman University (AU) scholars have made it happen again, and come up with two timely research proposals to better combat the lethal disease.

Microsoft Research Program has approved the two research proposals submitted by Prof. Shaher Momani, Dean, College of Humanities and Sciences, and Prof. Samir Hadid, a professor at the Department of Mathematics and Science, AU.

AU scholars have been each awarded $100,000 USD in Azure credits, covering a period of 12 months for their research proposals that have been submitted under the AI for Health program for Covid-19 grant proposals.

“The $200,000 USD in Azure credits; $100,000 USD per proposal, shall be consumed in access to Microsoft AI, technical experts, data scientists, and other resources from Microsoft,” Prof. Momani said.

Prof. Momani, recognized as one of the world’s most influential researchers according to Clarivate Analytics, said his project deals with mathematical modeling of the pandemic coronavirus outbreak through fractional derivatives.

“Prof. Hadid’s project focuses on the fractional calculus approach for the detection and segmentation of Covid-19 in CT Lung Scan.”

The two researchers will later sign a Memorandum of Understanding in Washington D.C. to set forth the terms of agreement between Ajman University and Microsoft Corporation.