Garena Free Fire Announces Special Edition Event And Exclusive Giveaways For Ramadan

Garena Free Fire is bringing the gaming community together during Ramadan with special events and giveaways.

The Ramadan special event will run till May 26 with players getting the chance to win special giveaway items throughout the month of Ramadan including the most coveted Magic Cube item.

During the special event players will be able to obtain cumulative log-in rewards which include Royale vouchers and 2 bundles for free. More prizes are up for grabs for those who complete various time-limited missions that revolve around 2 game modes taking place one at a time; the Team Death Match game mode, followed by the Big Head Mode.

The prize pool includes dozens of Royale vouchers, items such as parachutes, a backpack and surfboard, and various gun boxes.

In addition, at the end of each match, players have a chance at receiving tokens that can be exchanged for even more prizes. The prizes are 2 more bundles, 2 bandanas, a car skin, another event special parachute, and more Royale vouchers. Players will get double the chances of receiving these after-match tokens if they play during the hours of Suhoor and Iftar.

Garena Free Fire wishes to celebrate with the players through this event and encourage camaraderie among the Free Fire gaming community.

Along with the Ramadan event, the War of the Dawn (حرب الفجر) event will take place for a limited amount of time. Clans from all over the region will be facing each other for 1st place, as the winner claims 6 Legendary Gun Skins. Players up to the 5000th place will also be able to claim a Legendary Gun Skin and other rewards. With 50 people per clan, almost 250,000 players can claim powerful Legendary Gun Skins.

As a token of celebration for the Eid, Players who complete 5 ranked matches by 16th of May can claim the Magic Cube, the most sought out item in the game, for free.