Diabetes Friends Association To Organize “Blue Running” Event In Celebration Of The World Diabetes Day

The Friends of Diabetes Association, one of the health-promoting organizations under the Health Education Department of the Supreme Council for Family Affairs in Sharjah is gearing up for organizing the “Blue Running” initiative which is considered the largest race ever Sharjah is hosting in collaboration with 18 public and private entities.

The event is coinciding with the World Diabetes Day which is observed on November 14 every year, and as part of the “Blue Circle” initiative in solidarity with people with diabetes.

The “Blue Running” event will kick off at 9.30 am from the University City of Sharjah and it aims at raising awareness about the importance of running in preventing diabetes, encouraging diabetic patients to practice running, importance of maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle, the significance of running in maintaining nerves and burning calories, and the contribution to fostering social involvement in the fight against diabetes.

The first three to finish the race will be honored, in addition to handing out in-kind prizes for all participants to motivate them to practice sports to maintain good health.

Various Activities

Various activities will be held alongside the main event, including a medical exhibition featuring the latest products related to the treatment of diabetes, as well as organizing health seminars and panel discussions by dietitians and psychiatrists, providing free checkups and immediate consultations.

Awareness brochures will also be distributed, including detailed information about the Association’s programs and events.

In addition, recreational shows and competitions will be organized for children and their families to raise awareness about diabetes.

The starting point of the race reflects the Association’s keenness to direct its awareness efforts towards students with the aim of enhancing their awareness about the need to adopt healthy lifestyles, eat healthy food, and avoid obesity.

The Friends of Diabetes Association urged all community members to participate in the upcoming event by registering through the link of Al Qudra Sports Management, the association’s website, or through platforms available at Wasit Society, Arab Cultural Club and Mega Mall Sharjah Center.

Former Runners to Take Part in the Race

Former runners and champions in various sports will participate in the race, in addition to employees from government and private institutions in the Emirate of Sharjah, players from the Sharjah Women’s Sports and athletes from the Sharjah Sports Club.

Also, the Association pointed out that participation is open to all individuals of all ages and nationalities.

The event is being held in collaboration with Sharjah Police Headquarters, Sharjah Municipality, Emirates Red Crescent, Sharjah Women’s Sports, Sharjah Sports Club, Sharjah Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Sharjah Charity International, Sharjah Contact Centre, and Al Qudra Sports Management, BD, Abbott, Roch, Novonordisk.

The “Blue Circle” is a global symbol of diabetes, developed as part of the global awareness campaign against the disease under the slogan “Unite for Diabetes”, which was adopted in 2007, following the adoption of the United Nations (UN) Resolution on Diabetes in December 2006.

The blue color reflects the sky that unites all nations and peoples. The circle shows the unity of the international community in the fight against diabetes.