desertcart Launches Brand New +Plus Mania Offer

Premier e-commerce website and retailer, desertcart has launched a brand new offer dedicated to Plus members. The collection includes three days of unmissable offers from the 28th August until the 30th August 2020. Up to 70% discount on selected brands featured on the homepage when using the promo code PLUSMANIA.

Over 50,000 products are included in the limited offer, on the 28thAugust there is up to 70% off when spending up to AED 50, on the 29thAugust 50% when spending up to AED 50 and for the final day (30th August) there is 30% off when spending up toAED50.

From electronics to fashion, the selected products include brands such as Sony and Canon to Ralph Lauren and Chanel. Current collections, such as Back To School and Bowers and Wilkins are also part of the three day extravaganza.

To shop the +Plus Mania range, visit:

All external offers are subject to T&Cs – including external offers from Visa, Mastercard, Quick Lease and Lens Fit.