A Culture Of ‘Picture Perfect’ Parenting Causes More Than Half Of Parents In The UAE To Feel Like They Are Failing

Today, research conducted by WaterWipes – the world’s purest baby wipes – has revealed that the ‘picture perfect’ portrayal of parenting in culture is disempowering parents across the world. In response WaterWipes has launched #ThisIsParenthood – a global project to document the realities of parenting through a uniquely honest lens. In partnership with mums, dads and BAFTA nominated director Lucy Cohen, #ThisIsParenthood aims to normalise more open, honest conversations around the highs and lows of parenthood and inspire self-belief in parents worldwide.

The new global study has revealed that more than half of parents in the UAE feel like they are failing within the first year of parenthood (51%) – with mums more likely to feel this way than dads (57% vs 43%). This feeling stems from a number of sources, from single-minded parenting how-to guides to flawlessly filtered Instagram feeds, with almost a third of parents in the UAE claiming that social media adds to the pressure they feel to be a perfect parent (28%). Additionally, one in five parents feel that this perfect portrayal of parenting in advertising is a contributing factor to them feeling as though they are failing as a parent (21%).

The result of this pressure is that parents feel as though they can’t be honest about their struggles due to fear of judgement (43%), with over half admitting to putting on a brave face rather than being honest about their reality (53%). Millennial parents in the UAE feel this most deeply than any other age group, with two thirds (61%) of parents aged 18-24 feeling this way.

Almost two thirds of parents in the UAE feel as though they cannot relate to the parenting images they see on social media (56%) – with parents looking for more honesty, as 7 in 10 wish there were more honest representations of parenting in culture (72%) and on social media (67%).

Through #ThisIsParenthood, WaterWipes wants to change the conversation around parenting by celebrating the realities, normalising the ups and downs, and bringing parents together through shared experiences. Ultimately, we want to build confidence in parents by starting a more open and honest conversation about parenthood.

Cathy Kidd, Global VP Marketing at WaterWipes comments:The global research speaks for itself – at times parents are left feeling like they are failing, especially when they are surrounded by false images of perfect parenting. As a company that stands for honesty – in our products, our advertising and everything we do – we want to change this. 

We hope that parents across the world join us in this project and share their #ThisIsParenthood journey, so that together we can change the conversation for the better. And ultimately, start to build self-belief amongst parents across the world.

To create #ThisIsParenthood we partnered with 86 parents across three continents to produce a 16 minute documentary, 12 short films and a photography series that shine a light on real parenting like never before.

Cecile de Scally, Lead Parent Educator, Malaak Mama & Baby Care, UAE and experienced midwife said, “I believe that parenting is a beautiful journey and it is so important for new parents to surround themselves with a reliable and honest support system to manage this new and incredible experience. As WaterWipes initiates a movement tackling the lack of honesty around real parenting, I hope more parents are inspired to believe in themselves and realize that as long as they are happy with their parenting decisions, then parenting will be a smooth and positive experience for them and their precious little ones.”

To get involved in #ThisIsParenthood, join the conversation on Facebook and Instagram.

Or watch the documentary at https://youtu.be/qH7DfP-lcio